Acoustic Pioneer began its journey in 2009 when the research indicated that somewhere near 10% of the early school-aged population presents with an auditory processing difficulty yet less than 2% of ASHA certified audiologists would test for these.
Estimates indicate that the Communication Disorders profession is underdelivering services to nearly 96% of those needing these services. Published surveys and our own canvassing of professionals from the Communication Disorders profession indicate that a few key limitations prevent many professionals from involving auditory processing in their clinical administration protocols. The data indicate that professionals felt the area was too difficult and lengthy to administer and interpret results, involved very un-engaging test methods raising concerns about the involvement of inattention, and finally that there were no easily administered and affordable deficit specific therapies.
Therefore, Acoustic Pioneer set out to create a way to measure auditory processing skills in a fast, easy, and engaging way. After which, reporting and comparison to same aged peers is almost instantaneous along with therapy recommendations, further investigation suggestions, and compensatory strategies based on the results. We have also developed affordable and effective deficit-specific therapies that are easy to access and administer.
All of these have been proven valid and effective (IJA, 2015; JAAA, 2016; JSPT, 2018; LSHSS, 2020).
Who Is Acoustic Pioneer?

Matthew Barker
Audiologist - Founder and Director
Matthew Barker, our Founder and Director, is an Audiologist who specialized in testing auditory processing when completing his Doctorate from Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center in 2004. Dr. Barker saw how much negative impact underdeveloped auditory processing skills cause people when learning language and learning to read.
Matthew Barker, our Founder and Director, is an Audiologist who specialized in testing auditory processing when completing his Doctorate from Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center in 2004. Dr. Barker saw how much negative impact underdeveloped auditory processing skills cause people when learning language and learning to read. Strong evidence indicates over 10% of elementary/primary school children struggle in learning because of an auditory processing deficit. When Dr. Barker discovered that over 98% of audiologists were not doing any auditory processing testing, he found out that most audiologist are put off by how long testing took to administer, how long reports took to write. That coupled with the fact that there were no deficit-specific therapies available, which raised the question: “What good is testing for a problem, if nothing specifically can be done to help?”
The fact that so many students (as well as adults) needed help with their auditory processing and the Audiology profession globally was under-delivering services to near 98% of that much needed population, he set out to do something about it. Dr. Barker says, “I was driving down the road minding my own business, when God put an idea in my head. The idea was to develop a way to test auditory processing skills in a fast and fun way (through a video game) AND create some deficit-specific auditory therapies to help!” At this Acoustic Pioneer was launched. And after many years of research and development, Feather Squadron (The world’s fastest, most thorough, and engaging auditory processing test battery) was released in April of 2013. It was released alongside two deficit-specific auditory processing therapies. All three programs have recently been proven effective in a double blind study. See the results at here. Dr. Barker has published in multiple scientific journals and has presented internationally on the subject of auditory processing.

Michael Newton
Rockstar Software Development and Database Engineering
Michael Newton. Man. Myth. Problem solver. Philosopher. Mike has been able to take concepts from Matt’s Brain and put them into reality. Never has a challenge been able to exceed the talents of Michael’s quick typing fingers.
The neural networks between Michael’s ears are certainly firing at rates that exceed expectations. Mike, who developed a hearing difficulty early on in adulthood, knows firsthand how a hearing difficulty restricts so many situations from being enjoyed. He really has a passion for how many people are able to be helped by using Acoustic Pioneer identifying and improving auditory processing deficits.

Adam Harte
Rockstar Software Development
Go ahead. Try it. Tell Adam he can't build amazing apps that will make people's working memory improve as well as turn any fully functioning iPad into a Type 4 (air-conduction) ANSI/IEC calibrated pure-tone audiometer. We did, and he built them anyway.
Adam is the most recent addition to the Acoustic Pioneer team and has a long track record of using his highly developed cortex to create amazing programs and apps. New to the audiology field, Adam is excited to be doing things that are productive and beneficial for a large number of people. Keep checking in to see what Adam is rolling out next!

Amy Yott
Acoustic Pioneer Front Line Support and Account Authority
Amy Yott. The lifeline to our professionals – if you use Acoustic Pioneer, you will certainly have had contact with Amy. Made with pure-sugar, our Amy strives to deliver an above and beyond service for all manner of things.
Amy Yott. The lifeline to our professionals – if you use Acoustic Pioneer, you will certainly have had contact with Amy. Made with pure-sugar, our Amy strives to deliver an above and beyond service for all manner of things. Learning about our online training, setting up a patient with therapy for the first time, wondering where your test report went after 30 days, how to find out where the user guide is, Amy is here to help and with a smile that never ceases. Amy certainly puts the Acoustic Pioneer team on the right foot with the right attitude, focusing on how to help our professionals deliver the best clinical service to their clients.

April Barker
Speech and Language Pathologist – Consultant
April Barker, our speech and language pathologist and consultant on therapeutic techniques and engaging technologies. As April notes, auditory processing is fundamental for developing language skills.
April Barker, our speech and language pathologist and consultant on therapeutic techniques and engaging technologies. As April notes, auditory processing is fundamental for developing language skills. If developing language is impaired because of an auditory processing deficit, then learning to read will also be impaired. Reading relies on developed language, and developed language relies on intact auditory processing abilities. April has moved from a clinical role to a consultative role alongside being a full-time Mum of 3 wonderful children. Originally from New Zealand, her adventures have taken her professional skills from the South Pacific up to the U.K. and the U.S.

Christopher Yott
Supply chain and distribution – consultant
Mr. Yott has a knack for finding solutions to product development and release difficulties. He has an extensive history in the pharmaceutical field and can find his footing in a highly paced industry of innovation and change.
Mr. Yott has a knack for finding solutions to product development and release difficulties. He has an extensive history in the pharmaceutical field and can find his footing in a highly paced industry of innovation and change. Not only does Chris see solutions to problems that have yet arisen, he can guide the company to achieve our goal: Successfully deliver ground-breaking technology to the maximum amount of those in need.